So, I arrive at the gym and am having a great workout, rocking out to the MGMT station on Pandora. (Pandora is the BEST app on the iPhone btw.) I'm doing everything at a fast pace because it's Saturday for Pete's sake and I don't want to spend 2 hours in a stinky weight room. So I'm loading 2 plates on the bar on both sides on flat bench press and put collars on both sides. The thing is that I was so into getting amped to "Kids" that I forgot to put the second damn plate on the right side.
I lift off the bar and wow, of course I'm expecting both sides to be equal so I lift off with a nice burst. BUT, shit the right side has 45 lbs. on it and the left has 90 lbs. so do the math. That isn't equal so I really fucked up, I have no time to correct this and it is awkard and immediately I lose grip on the left side. Since I don't put my thumbs around the bar on the bench press the bar slips out of my left hand and proceeds to fall onto the upper part of my chest. Because there are collars on both ends the plates just don't fall off. So I look like the biggest idiot to the (THANK GOD) only 4 other dudes in the weight room. An old guy has to get the bar back up to the rack.
I am totally embarrassed. One of the other guys who saw this comes up to me and said he had a mindfart like that once as well on the exact same bench, but he was distracted because of "this hot bird in Spandex".
Right now I'm just looking back on the incident and thanking whatever higher power made it so the bar did not fall on my face or throat, because that would've totally ruined my day and maybe my life. The only damage is a severely bruised ego and some ugly red marks on my chest and armpit.
So lesson of the day is pay some god damn attention to what you're doing at the gym.
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