Monday, January 19, 2009

Gran Torino

Dan and I watched an Oscar screener for Gran Torino last night. I thought it was a fairly good movie. Clint Eastwood of course steals the whole show, mostly by using all of the most hilarious racist epithets. Zipperhead, zip, gook, slope, chinks, ting tang, ching chong, Charlie Chan...all of the glorious terms for sure.

The Hmong kid Thao, that Eastwood's character befriends is such a sack of a human being you just want to kill him yourself. Really, he is a pathetic loser and has this little-kid pouty face that I couldn't stand. Who the hell did the casting for this movie? There has to be other young Asian actors out there that could've done a better job that him. It was just really distracting how bad the kid acted. Yeah, I understand that he had to be pathetic so you feel sorry for him, but COME ON.

The stereotypical Asian gangsters and their riced-out Honda Civic....I have no words. The epitome and personification of most young Asian male stereotypes, to say the least. The fat one of that group though, aaaargh!! I just wanna scream thinking of that piece of shit. I guess that was good casting because you really hate that group.

I was going into the movie expecting something great, considering all of the reviews that I've read and word of mouth. I was a little disappointed though, especially with the ending. It's not what you WANT to happen, but you understand.


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